Time - January
The year unfolds with the Camel Festival at Bikaner in January. The enchanting desert city comes to life with joyous music, lilting rhythms and gay festivities. There are camel races and camel dances, and onlookers are fascinated by the languid charms and grace of the decorated ships of the desert.
The Camel Festival begins with a colorful procession of bedecked camels against the red sandstone backdrop of the Junagarh Fort, the festivity advances to the open sand-spreads of the grounds, followed by the best breed competition, the tug-of-war contest, camel dance, acrobatics, etc.
The camels display amazing footwork, dancing gracefully to the slightest direction of their trainers. Bridal, bridles, bejeweled necks, jingling anklets and long, lanky camel shadow on dusky sands cast a magical spell. Hundreds of tourists and thousands of locals and dignitaries revel in this man-and-animal affair organized especially for the tourists.
The evenings close with a different tenor and tempo altogether: a traditional rendezvous of renowned artistes of Rajasthan and the local folk performers.
The jubilant skirt-swirling dancers, the awe-inspiring fire dance, and the dazzling fireworks light up the fortified desert city of Bikaner. Bikaner is connected by rail and road with all the major cities. The nearest airport is at Jodhpur (243 kms.).